Todays Picture

Todays Picture
Squinty Bridge Glasgow

Thursday 23 October 2008

Appearances Can Be Deceptive.

I met Audrey over a year ago at a business lunch and as a consequence, I started doing a lot of photography for Kit-Out The Park which is a project running in partnership with
Caledonian University where she is studying for her Phd.

Now I had come to know Audrey as the efficient power dressed executive charged with setting up seminars and conferences at various locals around the National Park. The top photo is how I'd been used to seeing her. She told me she had been doing yoga for some time and as if that wasn't enough, kick boxing, was another pastime. Click the link and you'll see it's not for the faint hearted.

She asked me if I would take some shots of her for posterity.

I liked the way she could stick herself to the wall. That Yoga is magic stuff right enough!!