Todays Picture

Todays Picture
Squinty Bridge Glasgow

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Recycling At The Cutting Edge.

I'm sure that we are all in agreement that it is best to recycle as much as possible, well, last week I witnessed first hand, the mother of all recycling plants.

Environcom Ltd are completely updating their web site and I flew down to Grantham to get some new shots of the plant.

It was like a scene from a sci fi movie. I'll let the photos do the talking.

Some facts you may be interested in. In the UK every year, around 3,000,000 washing machines along with a similar number of fridges and televisions are thrown out, not to mention PC's, laptops, hoovers and countless other electrical items.

The state of the art machines on site can process up to 100 units per hour and all of the constituent bits are recycled. It is a 24 hour operation with semi trailers arriving almost endlessly. They are quickly unloaded and it's on to the next one.

Watching the staff was like poetry in motion, everyone knew exactly what they were doing. They were ruthlessly efficient at work and I had a great laugh when I met up with them in the staff canteen.

I would not like to be a fridge in that place.

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