Todays Picture

Todays Picture
Squinty Bridge Glasgow

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Sir Norman Wisdom 1915-2010.

As a news photographer, I have photographed many famous people from the world of show business over the years.

Back in 1993 I was sent out to photograph Norman Wisdom and we had a milk float as a prop. I think he had played a hapless milkman in a much earlier film and we were recreating some type of anniversary of its first screening. I'm just not sure as it was so long ago.

He would have been 78 years old at the time and I remember being totally amazed at the ease with which he jumped on and off the float. He was a very fit man for his age.

He asked me if I could send on some photos which I did. A few weeks later, a very nice thank you letter arrived at the office.

Showbiz characters are always larger than life. Some take themselves too seriously. He certainly didn't.

My very brief encounter with him was very enjoyable.

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