Todays Picture

Todays Picture
Squinty Bridge Glasgow

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

By Yon Bonnie Banks.

I was asked by the Cruin Restaurant to exhibit at a wedding fayre they held recently on the banks of Loch Lomond.

I did a bit off research on the burgeoning popularity of weddings around the loch and some of the statistics were staggering. An average wedding brings in a minimum of £20,000 to the local economy and Luss Church alone can easily do four in one day.

The minister at Luss, The Reverend Dr Dane Sherrard told me that he has on line streaming facilities that enable friends and relatives from all around the world to tune in live to the event. He also told me that around 10,000 - 12,000 people a week listen to his Sunday service. Surely this has to be the largest congregation of any church in Scotland ?

In total, the wedding industry is worth £500,000,000 to the Scottish economy on an annual basis.

With views like this a common sight from the Cruin, you can see why couples from all corners of the globe are beating a path to the "bonnie banks".

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