Todays Picture

Todays Picture
Squinty Bridge Glasgow

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Hair Raising!

I was photographing a story telling work shop this morning at Europe's largest wind farm, Whitelee, this morning.

The event was organised by East Renfrew District Council and story teller Ron Fairweather was on hand to entertain everyone.

This place is well worth a visit, the food is fantastic as are the views and you can walk around and see the scale of the place close up.

I commented on another earlier blog my feelings on renewable energy as we simply cannot go on relying on fossil fuels that belief is just plain daft. Surely if we can get to the moon, land, pick up rocks and get back safely, we can work out a way to supply our energy needs without all the mess we are creating?

Young Maya Nyamakanga helped me illustrate the power of the wind and it was "blowing a hooley".

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